I went to PNCA today to check out the Nina Katchadourian "Sorted Books" show and came across a TBA lecture on Dance & Sculpture. What a coincidence...maybe, that a wander brings me to a discussion on performance art :)
The panel was led by the TBA organizer and had five artists who discussed their work as how sculpture is reflected within their performance piece. One of the artists who attracted me to their work was the choreographer Maria Hassabi. In her show Solo which will be performed this evening, explores how we look a the body as a form in space. She references art history and pop culture within the female posture and uses the frame of the stage and lighting (the sources) as her sculpture. She expressed that it was important for her audience to be able to be connected to the sources, to feel how they are "seeing". I felt this connected to wander through the senses...and using our body to bring awareness into the extension of our gaze. For more info on Hassabi's work: http://www.mariahassabi.com/index.php.
After the lecture, I returned to Nina's show and found her image of What is Art? Close Observation piece to be the most resonating for me...it reminded me of being like a microscope and exploring my senses deeply. And for what...for art? for pleasure? for insight?...
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